Commission Info

Status: OPEN


1. Full Shading, examples:

2. Simple Shading, examples:

Things I will and will not draw

☆ Original characters✅
☆ Fanarts (anime-games)✅
☆ Animals/Furry🚫


☆ Send a picture/a reference of the character you want☆ Give a reference for the pose and expressions☆ Must pay within 24 hours after I finish the sketch☆ No rush. Normally, it may take more or less 1 week of progress, although it may also depend on my schedule and the amount of orders there are. I will inform you if there are lots of orders before yours.☆ You can’t change your request after the payment. Only minor changes. If there’s any major changes you’d like, discuss it prior to the payment.


1. Full shading, prices starting from:
a. Headshot: 45$
b. Waist up: 60$
c. Full body: 70$
2. Cell shading, prices starting from:
a. Headshot: 35$
b. Waist up: 45$
c. Full body: 60$

*Prices may vary depending on how detailed your character is or other requests

Payment: via Paypal or Bank Account